About Us

Researched and Developed by a Registered Nurse.

Hi Everyone and welcome to our website!

I want to introduce who we are. My name is Mona Lisa and I am a Registered Nurse, and my husband Mark is a retired Telecommunications specialist.  Together, we have combined our talents and have developed our own great line of products!

I have been a nurse for thirty years and have loved every minute of it! I have always been committed to caring for others and during this time have witnessed the effects of diseases and its affect on people lives. Caring for people as a Registered Nurse has been very rewarding, yet challenging, due to the “rules of modern medicine” and how treatments should occur based on those rules and the knowledge others have gained in the holistic therapeutic natural treatments. As a Registered nurse who started helping others combat their conditions with prescribed medication tied to lots of side effects, and watching their conditions deteriorate over time, I have always wondered – is there a better therapeutic approach? Please don’t get me wrong, there is a time and use for modern medicine, but you have to ask yourself where does all the medications come from? Well, many studies have started in laboratories, usually testing components of natural substances in plant life and their therapeutic affects on diseases.  Through their findings, they discovered that most diseases are affected by plant components. This is where most medications are researched, created and put into liquid or pill form.  The problem with that is many side effects also go along with those creations. This is why most individuals are on multiple pills.  With holistic medication you can treat illnesses, but without the harmful side effects.  Years ago modern medicine was the only approach but today alternative treatments such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, art therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, and many more  are recognized by most physicians and are used by many.

That being said, and after fifteen years of research, this has been our motivation for creating our line of Really Good Stuff.  We have spent many hours researching, developing and testing many of our blends and have been very successful in our creations.  We also do custom orders!  Our products contain only natural and organic ingredients and most of our ingredients we forage ourselves here in beautiful Wyoming and Colorado.  Our winters are long, but when things are growing and blooming again we are on the road traveling and foraging.  With the limited growing months, our products are very seasonal which also are limited in quantity.   Our original line of products we started with has now expanded into more apothecary products so please take a look at what we have to offer on our products page.     

Thank you for visiting our website and for taking the time to learn about our development of Really Good Stuff!!





Mark and Mona's blend of Really Good Stuff works for my arthritis pain and everyday pain. I have been using it for over three years and it is really good stuff.
Maria M.
used Really Good Stuff Salve

100% Pure and Natural Products

100% guaranteed!